Vineyard Protect understands each key stage in the growing process and will assess your vineyard’s risks at every step of your operations. We cover:
- Vineyard establishment, including the initial planting of vine stock, installing trellis systems and preparing the soil.
- Harvesting and processing, including insuring seasonal workers and potential losses due to unforeseen events, equipment breakdowns or contamination during transportation.
- Wine production and storage, including protection against risks such as fire, theft, equipment breakdowns, leakage or spoilage during fermentation or ageing, contamination, and seal damage.
- Wine bottling and distribution, including packaging, labelling and risks like product liability, damage during transportation, or any legal disputes arising from labelling or quality issues.
For more information, or to discuss your requirements, please contact one of our specialists on 01245 449 060.
Would you like to find out more?
We also cover:
Hazardous Goods
Cement Mixers
Special Types
Own Goods
Grab Lorries
Vineyard insurance from Vineyard Protect. For a direct quote call 01245 449 060
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We build our reputation on insuring difficult-to-place risks and providing underwriting solutions.